Chronometric diet and strengthening

Chronometer diet is often referred to, in connection with it was filmed many TV reports, which appear especially women who want to lose weight.

But let's also look at how you can use this method you who are engaged in fitness or bodybuilding. Read what results achieved combining Chronometric diet and strengthening of David, and Gregory Tuba and be inspired advice, ideas, but as a warning as to the articulation of this technique and strength training.

What is Chronometric Diet Solution Program

Created by Dr. Alain Delarosa in 1986, and is not actually on a diet in the true sense of the word. The aim is to balance diet and respecting the biological rhythms of the body Esthete without getting cut.

Unlike most diets, so you can eat everything, even food in the diets usually prohibited as white bread, cheese, chocolate and other common foods including fried meat.

You may not, however, consume, when you think - should adhere to the recommendations of this method and change your eating habits so as to respect the rhythm of your body.

 In the morning you eat fat, hearty meal at noon, afternoon and evening sweet snack. This way you will achieve leaner, but not emaciated appearance.

David: Kilo went down, the muscles remained, but the matter has not increased
Although I go to the gym for two years, I've never dealt with too menus.

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