As long as you do not use fresh lovage in soup can also use dried. If boiled potatoes, which is a little older, celery is a great boost. But, of course, find henna to use in the kitchen.

Try to grow lovage home and let us know which products are preferred added.

Pumpkin and culinary variations

Pumpkin is classified in the group of very healthy vegetable, as it is the source of many vitamins and minerals such as vitamins B1, B2, B3, and beta-carotene, a large number of minerals and potassium Anabolic Cooking

If you have any problems with the stomach, pancreas, spleen, or should be, a pumpkin begins to consume on a regular basis, and you will see that your health is improving.

Due to the high potassium content, the meat vegetables pumpkin with an excellent treatment of cardiac and renal disorders, because it has the ability to bind to toxic substances and harmful toxins from the body, and then dissolve removed from the body.

Meat is a diuretic, the seeds again have a positive effect on the prostate. Pumpkins and prevention of a variety of parasites in the body.

In preparing some skin peel pumpkin dishes, new skin keeps them elsewhere. Pulp can be eaten both raw and cooked or otherwise cooked. All rights are the seeds that each shell.

Below are two examples of how to use a pumpkin.

pumpkin soup

We need to - 1.2 kg pumpkin, 1 potato, 1 large onion, 3 cloves of garlic, a handful of parsley, salt, pepper, cumin, nutmeg, milk 0.5 liters, 0.7 liters of water, 0, 3 liters of cream.

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